How to Improve Back Door Security

Gaining access to a home through backdoor is one of the most preferred methods of burglary. Usually, backdoors are not in plain sight, which provides enough time for thieves to break into a house. Due to the lack of visibility, back doors are also the most common targets of burglars in the United States accounting for almost 22% of theft.

Despite this grim picture, the technology has advanced to an extent where it’s possible to barricade almost any type of door. Try these eight methods to stop burglars from entering the house:

• Security Camera

• Solid-Core Backdoor

• Glass Door Protection

• Deadbolt Lock

• Powerful Lights

• Guard Dog

• Wide Angle Viewers

• Keyless Entry

Install a Security Camera

While installing a home security system is a costly method, it will definitely pay off in the long-run. If you can’t afford to install multiple cameras, make sure that you have a camera to keep an eye on the back door entrance.

Contrary to the popular belief that thieves mostly stalk at night, it’s not uncommon for burglars to sneak in a house during broad daylight when everyone is outside at work. Under these circumstances, driveway alarms can also supplement backdoor security cameras. Here is a list of top driveway alarm.

Invest in a Solid-Core Back Door

Regardless of the overall structure and condition of the house, it’s always a good idea to buy a solid-core door. Doors made of fiberglass and metal are some of the best options.

Fiberglass and metal doors are a good choice because they can resist rust and humidity better than standard doors. Similarly, it’s easier for the homeowner to replace locks.

If you’re overly concerned about the design, fiberglass backdoors can be a great alternative to wood as they can be constructed to look like a wooden structure.

Embed Security Features in the Glass Door

Nowadays, many households prefer a sliding glass door in the backyard. While such glass doors look great, they are extremely vulnerable to intruders.

To safeguard your interest install a metal security bar and grille. A metal security bar should effectively deter a burglar from entering the house, easily.

If you don’t agree with the idea, try using a dowel rod. The dowel rod is a cylindrical stick, which is inserted in the tracks of a sliding door. Even when the door latch is opened, dowel rod acts as a second barrier.

For added security, you can also use a double back security lock that has two security points. These locks are extremely hard to break making it almost impossible for burglars to gain access by breaking the door latch.

Use a Deadbolt Lock

Deadbolt locks are gaining in popularity due to their low-cost design and safety features. Unlike typical locks, deadbolt locks utilize an advanced mechanism that only functions when the correct key is inserted.

Burglars dislike these locks because it’s nearly impossible to create a master-key. Without the possession of a key, the only method to bypass deadbolt lock is to break the entire structure.

Light up Your Backdoor

One of the simplest methods to deter a burglar is to use a powerful light that will illuminate the entire backdoor area and its surroundings. Most individuals put a small bulb on top of the door for their own convenience, which is not enough to protect intruders. Instead, back door access should be well lit allowing the home-owner to view areas around the door, easily.

A night-timer can also prove useful as it turns on automatically based on the light conditions and scheduled time. Even if someone forgets to light up the backside, the night-timer will be there to ensure safety.

Keep a Guard Dog

When machines fail, guard dogs are often the best choice to deter thefts. Unlike movies, where intruders easily overpower dogs by giving them a dog-bait, trained guard dogs are difficult to distract.

Instead of a large breed, any pet dog can do the job by barking fiercely at strangers. Often, dogs are the major reason why thieves look, elsewhere.

If this seems a good plan, make sure that your dog is trained to detect intruders; otherwise, constant barking can make you and your neighbors spend countless restless nights.

Install Wide-Angle Viewers

Installing a camera may not be enough if it does not allow you to view and communicate with the stranger, outside. Viewers are a great alternative when you don’t have cameras around the home as they allow you to get a wide-angle view of the surroundings.

While an intruder will never communicate with you, you can easily take control of the situation by sending a warning signal through the speaker. It will let the intruder know that you’re awake and alert.

Consider Going Keyless

While away from home, if you often require others to access the interior of your house, keyless locks are a good solution to the problem. These locks use a security code to give access to a person. When the access is no longer required, you can always change the code as per your convenience. Here is a list of keyless door locks.

Smart home locks are another option that you can use to open and close the door using your smartphone. Using smart locks on the back door can help caretakers, pet care providers and other individuals to gain access through the back door without raising unnecessary eyebrows.

The Neglected Backyard – A Social Dilemma

It’s often strange to think that homeowners spend countless hours ensuring the safety of their front entrance. Accordingly, the backyard and pool area is only designed from the perspective of relaxation and fun without realizing the consequences of lack of safety.

The negligence plays in the hands of thieves and burglars who are always on a lookout for a safe place where they can get plenty of time to use their tactics. Without proper barriers in an otherwise dimly lit and scantly protected backyard, backdoors are transformed into the most vulnerable parts of a house.

Fortunately, this guide shows that there are plenty of ways you can safeguard your backdoor. Protecting your backdoor is perhaps the first step towards the safety of your home and the family.

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