11 September — Online 6-week workshop “Angular 2 Development with TypeScript”

If you are a busy software developer trying to keep your Web development skills up to date you should be learning new software under the guidance of savvy practitioners who have vast experience in development of the real-world project. The instructors of this workshop spent many years developing Web applications using different technologies both one the client and server sides. Enrolling into this training will allow you to acquire the hot skills in a focused manner without wasting your time on learning something that you may not ever use. You’ll learn the best practices and principles of developing Angular 2 applications while going through multiple sample applications illustrating solutions for the tasks you’ll be solving while working on the real-world projects. Not only you’ll learn how to develop Angular 2 applications, but you’ll also see how to ubit-test your apps, automate the build process and minimize the size of the deployed code.

This training and the course materials are created for people who have some experience with development of the front-end part of Web application using any JavaScript-related frameworks. We don’t expect the participants to be experts Web developers. The materials of this training can be understood by majority of software developers.

This 6-week online workshop will give you a practical knowledge of working with Angular 2 framework using the TypeScript language. During this course we’ll cover all the latest API (routing dependency injection, forms) and you’ll develop a front end part of a sample application “Online Auction”. After this training you’ll be able to work on the real-world Angular 2 projects. Video recordings of the sessions and consultations will be available for the enrolled students.

This online training class will start on September 11, 2016 and will run on Sundays starting from 9:00AM New York Time. Each session runs about three hours, which includes a 15 minute break. On Saturdays, we’ll run 1-hour code review and Q/A sessions starting at 9:00 AM New York time. During the week you’ll be working on assignments at your oun pace posting your questions to our private online forum. We use the screen-sharing software and participants will be able to hear and see the instructors and will communicate with them via a chat room. Each session is video-recorded and is sent to participants right after the session is over. Between the lessons students communicate with each other in the online forum.

Sample videos:

1. Here’s an extract from our recent Angular 2 workshop.
2. This is a high-level code review of the Auction app that we’re building during this workshop.


This course is taught by two instructors who are practitioners employed by Farata Systems. The instructors of this course are co-authors of the book “Angular 2 Development with TypeScript”.
Yakov Fain is Java Champion. Authored and co-authored a number of technical books on programming. Yakov presented on various international conferences on Java and Web development subjects. He blogs at yakovfain.com.
Anton Moiseev is a lead software developer at Farata Systems. Specializes in developing enterprise Web applications. Enjoys everything HTML5-related. During this year he works on the projects using Angular 2 and Polymer frameworks. Anton presented at conferences and taught multiple classes on AngularJS


Attendees must have a working knowledge of JavaScript and HTML. No knowledge of AngularJS 1.x is required. If your JavaScript is a little rusty, please watch this video from one of the previous Yakov’s trainings.

Course Outline

Unit 1. High-Level Overview Angular 2. Introduction to TypeScript language. Overview ot the TypeScript/Angular development process and tooling. Dissecting a component — a centerpiece of Angular 2 applications. Bringing Together Data and Views with Data Binding.
Hands on: HelloWorld in TypeScript/Angular. Start working on the Home page of the Online Auction application.

Unit 2. Web site navigation with Angular router. Passing data to routes, child routes, and lazy loading of components.
Hands on: Implementing routing by adding the Product Details view to the Online Auction.

Unit 3. Overview of Angular’s implementation Dependency Injection. Providers and Injectors. Passing data to components using injectors.
Hands on: Applying Dependency Injection in Product Detail view of the Online Auction.

Unit 4. Event handling with RxJS observables. . Working with forms. Data Validation. Change detection. Component lifecycle.
Hands on: Implementing the client-side search in the Online Auction.

Unit 5. Communication with servers using HTTP and WebSocket protocols. Consuming server’s data with promises and observables. We’ll use Node.js to create a Web server communicating with the Angular client.
Hands on: Subscribing for bid notifications in the Online Auction. Pushing bid notifications to the subscribers.

Unit 6. Testing and deployment. Testing with Jasmine and Karma. Creating deployment builds with Webpack.
Hands on: Building and deploying the auction app.



What other software do I need to have installed on my laptop?
We’re providing instructions for the software required for each lesson as we proceed. Most of the installations will be done from a command line. You can use an IDE of your choice (we use WebStorm)

Is any prior knowledge or TypeScript required?
No, but you need to feel comfortable with the syntax of JavaScript. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, we’ll start this training with introducing the syntax of TypeScript and all code samples are done in TypeScript.

Why should I take this course as opposed to buying one of many inexpensive video courses?
While pre-recorded video trainings could be a great way to learn software, they don’t offer the interaction with the instructor. The code sample that works fine on the instructor’s computer may not work yours, which is frustrating. Besides, the Angular 2 framework is still evolving and pre-recorded videos become outdated rather quickly.

Is extra help available if I’d be having a trouble with course materials?
Students communicate with each other by posting questions/answers in the forum. Instructors are monitoring this list too. Also, every week we run a one-hour Q/A session where instructors answer questions based on the covered material.

Do you accept payments other then by a credit card or Paypal?
Yes, the payment can be made by making a direct deposit to a bank account of Farata Systems before this training starts.
You can also request this training to be conducted for your organization online. Just email you inquiry to  Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра. .

Return Policy
Farata Systems runs this training. If you’ve enrolled but changed your mind before August 31, 2016 you’ll get a full refund. After that no money is returned, but you can apply this amount toward any future trainings by Farata Systems.

Farata Systems is a consulting and product company, which employs software professionals specializing in development of enterprise Web applications with HTML5, JavaScript, Java, and Dart. For more details please visit www.faratasystems.com

If you have more questions send us an email at  Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.

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