Student Marketing: Captivating the Hearts of Students

If you’re a small business bringing a product to market, or a big brand looking to boost brand awareness for your latest service or app, student marketing should be a vital part of your marketing efforts.

Universities all over the UK boast large tight knit communities of students chasing the latest trends in technology, brands and entertainment. Here at Raptor Student Marketing we pride ourselves on our Network of students we call Raptors, who are on the ground ready to become brand ambassadors for your business by running on campus giveaways, offers, leaflet dropping through student residential areas whilst incentivising app downloads and product purchases.

Our website: Student Marketing

Our Student Network

Our student network is made up of some of the most influential and trend setting students on campus throughout UK universities allowing us to captivate large pockets of students throughout any marketing campaign. We have access to a range of event environments to suit the brand and campaign. Every experience we create is enjoyable, memorable and shareable, our onsite content creators will ensure all marketing efforts and events are documented and recorded ready for viral use on social media platforms in order to amplify marketing impact and brand awareness amongst the student community.

Life as a Student Raptor?

If you’re a student in the UK looking to join our team of trailblazing student Raptors you’re in the right place. As a Raptor you’ll be completing campaign tasks such as social media posts, supporting brand events, and driving sales through merchandise distribution on campus. As a Raptor, local knowledge is key. You will be expected to have great local knowledge on the city, and of course the student scene itself.

Our Raptors are made of energetic and passionate students who have a get up and go attitude towards our student marketing campaign efforts.

If you think you have what it takes to become part of our student marketing team please get in touch.

Our website: Student Marketing

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