4 Reasons Why You Should Try an Escape Room

Escape rooms are fast becoming one of the most entertaining ways to spend an evening, as people want to try new experiences and move away from more traditional ways of entertainment. We thought we’d put together a few reasons as to why you should visit an escape room. So, let’s get started!

What is an Escape Room?

If you don’t know what an escape room is, it can be best described as an interactive game in which those taking part have to solve a series of puzzles and riddles, with the help of clues and hints. They may need to form strategies to complete the objectives as laid out in the escape room. Every escape room experience is likely to be different. Some take place in one room, while others use multiple rooms. Players are often given a time limit to try and solve the problems. There are actually many competitions that take place to find who can complete the escape room in the fastest time.

Date Night

Couples trying out an Escape Room is becoming a new trend. It’s certainly something different compared to having a meal at a restaurant, or going out for drinks. You can even invite another couple of friends to make the experience a bit more fun.

Get Away from Screens

Everyone knows we spend a little too much time on our smart phones and tablets these days. Even when we finish work, we will most likely come home and watch something on our TVs, or maybe play games on our consoles. Escape rooms are a fantastic way to keep you entertained whilst dragging you away from technology.

It’s Like “Real” Virtual Reality

When you take part in an escape room experience, you will be completely immersed in the room until you can get yourself out of it. In the process, you will be trying to solve fiendishly difficult puzzles, attempting to crack codes, and giving your mind a real workout whilst having a lot of fun in the process!

Help Your Brain

Your brain needs to be regularly exercised, as well as your body. Escape rooms are thought to make you more alert, improve your concentration, as well as increase creativity, according to Drew Roberts, an escape room consultant. Escape rooms are also known to improve other cognitive functions.

So, give an escape room a try!

Thank you to St Louis Escape Room for their contribution to this article.

The post 4 Reasons Why You Should Try an Escape Room appeared first on FeedsPortal.com.

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