Дайджест: как стать веб-разработчиком, рынок фриланса, рэп-роботы
Новые версии
- Kotlin 1.1
- Rust 1.16
- Kubernetes 1.6
- Git 2.12.0
- jQuery 3.2.0 (+3.2.1)
- LLVM 4.0
- Angular 4.0.0
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9
- NetBSD 7.1
- GitLab 9.0
- Visual Studio 2017
- IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results 2017.
- Рынок ИТ-фриланс-аутсорса Восточной Европы в 2016 году.
- Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2017.
- 100+ Free resources for learning Full Stack Web Development.
- A Programmer’s Introduction to Unicode.
- Seeing Theory — a visual introduction to probability and statistics.
- The Ultimate Guide to API Design.
- Auth-Boss. Learn about different authentication methodologies on the web.
- Как смотреть видео с фронтенд-конференций.
- Пожалуйста, не пишите просто „Привет” в чате.
- Как на самом деле устроена работа экспортно-ориентированной IT-компании.
- How to Push Your Team to Take Risks and Experiment.
- explainshell.com — write down a command-line to see the help text that matches each argument.
- Password Rules Are Bullshit.
Для поднятия настроения
А що, якщо замінити ІТ на музику.
Screeps — MMO strategy sandbox game for programmers.
One second code: Do you know how much your computer can do in a second?
Build a digital clock in Conway’s Game of Life.
An animated GIF that shows its own MD5.
— Коллеги, познакомьтесь с нашим новым программистом.
— Вуле ву куше (@yr0pb) March 16, 2017
— Так это ж просто помидор.
— Сеньор помидор!
— Tim Federle (@TimFederle) February 21, 2017
fewer deadlines!
see, this is the problem
What do we want? Cache invalidation!
— Steven Frank (@stevenf) February 24, 2017
When do we want it? Cache invalidation!
Android crashes on boot when running from SD card
Android crashes on boot when running from SD card pic.twitter.com/umn0mWjoZl
— Olof Kindgren (@OlofKindgren) March 20, 2017
2 unit tests. 0 integration tests
When the project manager reviews my carefully documented code
How it feels to follow a well-written tutorial
Robot’s Delight — Japanese robots rap about their Artificial Intelligence
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