Why Getting Followers On Instagram Is Important For A Business

Instagram is a great social media network if you want to market your brand. Apart from letting you showcase products from your Shopify store, using Instagram helps in many ways to promote your business.

Let’s look at the different ways by which Instagram can help your business.

Why Getting Followers On Instagram Is Important For A Business

A Huge User Base

One of the best things about using Instagram is that you have access to a large user base. With more than 800 million active users on the platform, you can easily find your target audience on Instagram. Getting followers on Instagram is the first step that you should be taking to market your business on this platform.

A High Conversion Rate

Instagram is known to have a high conversion rate than other platforms such as Pinterest and Polyvore. Instagram posts tend to leave an impression on the minds of people. For instance, if they see a pair of shoes posted on Instagram, they are quite likely to go ahead and purchase it. With the introduction of Instagram’s shoppable posts, created with Shopify, it has now become easier to shorten the customer journey. Now that your audience can purchase your products directly on Instagram, without having to exit the platform, it creates a convenient experience for them.

Advanced Ad-Targeting Options

Another benefit of using Instagram for your business is the advanced set of Ad-targeting options that this platform offers. Instagram Ads are a great way to directly target audience with your content, increasing your chances of conversions. Not only can you target a cold audience, by the basic parameters of age, gender, location, behavior, and interests, but you also have the option of retargeting an audience. While cold targeting means targeting people who are not acquainted with your brand, retargeting is reaching out with your content to those who have already seen or heard of your brand or content. With Instagram’s retargeting feature, you have a better chance of enhancing conversions.

Create Different Types Of Content

Another good thing about Instagram for your business is that it lets you experiment with content and formats. You can use Instagram stories, create Instagram posts and now even add IGTV videos to market your products. Getting followers on Instagram can be easier if you leverage the different content formats that the platform offers.

You can post product photos in many creative and innovative ways. You can also add up to 1-minute long videos sharing your products. You can also provide a glimpse behind the scenes. You can probably let your audience see all that goes into building your products or you can show them how the different photos of your products are captured, edited and then posted on Instagram.

Increase Brand Awareness With Hashtags

Hashtags on Instagram help to increase brand awareness by increasing the presence of your brand on the platform. A good combination of hashtags should include a niche or industry-relevant hashtag, a brand-focused hashtag, and other hashtags that you think your target audience is more likely to look up on Instagram. This will increase your chance of getting discovered and that of getting more followers.

Leverage The Power Of Visual Content

Visual content is the most popular type of content. Instagram lets you leverage this power given that it is a visual content-focused platform. People connect with this the most and with Instagram, you can create and post visual content to attract and entice your audience. Once you have attracted your audience with your content, half the job is done for you. Now you only need to bring your audience to engage with your content and eventually target at converting them into customers.

Share User-Generated Content

You can use Instagram to create user-generated content. User-generated content is like product recommendations. If someone posts a photo on Instagram featuring your product (s) or brand, you can share it through your Instagram profile. This will show your followers that there are many other customers who are using your products already. It adds a sense of trust in your brand. You should create a relevant branded hashtag for this so that people can use this hashtag when they add posts featuring your products. You can then add all the user-generated content to your Instagram profile.

Run Influencer Marketing Campaigns

You can use Instagram to run influencer marketing campaigns. Instagram is one of the most ideal platforms to collaborate with influencers as most Instagram influencers boast of a huge following. Identify niche influencers with whom you can collaborate to promote your brand. This will help in getting followers on Instagram.

The post Why Getting Followers On Instagram Is Important For A Business appeared first on FeedsPortal.com.

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