5 Fun Things to Do This Summer With My 2.5m Pop Up Gazebo
I love spending time outdoors with Leon and Michelle, who are my 2 adorable children.
However, living in the U.K is normally great but the weather is generally unpredicatable and this is why we bought an Airwave Pop up gazebo (comes with 4 sides as well) so we can be shielded from bad weather if it were to crop up.
We decided to buy the 2.5×2.5m one as we thought as there were 4 of us (including my husband) and wanted plenty of room so we weren’t cramped whilst eating or playing.
What we’re going to use ours for;
- Board Game Bonanza
Our kids love scrabble, sometimes I wonder whether they’re my kids because as a youngster I actually hated the game. Maybe they get that from my husbands side of the family.
We’ve dragged a table in and have already had hours of fun during the spring playing their board games. - Maybe cover our hot tub?
Although we haven’t used it to cover our hot tub yet, we’re pretty sure it’ll be ideal to shelter us from the searing (here’s hoping) sun in the summer and be all accounts the canopy also offers UV protection. (I’ll have to double check that) - Eating Outdoors
Although you cannot cook underneath it, well not 100% safely anyway, we are planning on using ours to have BBQ’s.
We’ll be cooking the food a good distance away on our gas bbq and then bring it underneath the canopy to tuck into, mmm…. - Car Boots
We live in north east Somerset and just around the corner they have a fantastic car boot (whih gets really busy in the summer) and I’ve noticed that people seem to be cheating…
They’re using gazebos to sell goods out of rather than their cars, so I think I’ll be raiding the garage and have a good clear out to earn some extra pennies. - Go to the coast
Our pop up came with weight bags and a wind bar to make it stronger and help keep it still when its a bit breezy so I’m really tempted to take it to cornwall towards the end of the school holidays.
I’ll report back later how things went.
Enjoy your Summer. Abigail Reese MoggThe post 5 Fun Things to Do This Summer With My 2.5m Pop Up Gazebo appeared first on FeedsPortal.com.
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