Respawn Halted Development of Another Game to Make Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order

EA is known for pushing developers around and it often has a major role when it comes to deciding stuff in the development process.

The company has got a lot of heat in recent years for doing this and it seems that EA has done the same yet again with Respawn. It turns out that Respawn was actually working on another game when EA asked the developer to work on Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order instead, as reported by Power Up Gaming.

The game that Respawn was rumored to be working on is Titanfall 3. I know that the developer announced that Titanfall 3 would not be coming out any time soon but that could be due to Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. The game Director, Stig Asmussen talked about the matter and the following is what he had to say in this regard:

“And unanimously, my team hands down, everybody was interested in working on a Star Wars, even though we were really interested in the other game that we were working on, we saw this as an opportunity. It’s like, ‘Hey, when are you ever going to get a chance to work on a Star Wars game.’”

We know that people have been waiting for Titanfall 3 and I would like to play the game as well. We hope that development on Titanfall 3 continues after Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order is released. Indeed, one can only hope at this point. EA might hand Respawn another game to work on. We will never know until the time comes. Asmussen went on to mention the following:

“It was several months before we even met with Lucasfilm. I’m assuming that you guys knew that we were signed on, but it was probably four months or something, at least, where that we knew that we were going to be working on it, and we started coming up with what our own ideas. What we could bring to the table at least from a gameplay standpoint.”

Let us know what you think about Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order and whether or not you would rather play Titanfall 3 instead.

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