Afford IVF with Crowdfunding and Fertility Loans

Without a doubt, in vitro fertilization (IVF) remains one of the most expensive infertility treatments available. It can get even more expensive if a surrogate is involved. Considering that a round of IVF can cost at least $8,000-$12,000 when you include the costs of medications, you might be wondering how to afford IVF. If so, you’re not alone. The cost of the treatment may be so high for some people that the treatment isn’t an option.

Given that you might need three or more round of IVF to have a baby, IVF costs could be more than $36,000. Take heart, though, because with some forethought, creativity, and diligence, you can figure out how to afford IVF and then move on to planning for your family. Many people make the decision to go with the treatment and figure out how to afford IVF later – just because for some, IVF provides the only path to conception.

If you have a great community of supportive friends and family members, consider hosting a few fundraisers to help with the cost of building your family. Get your church or neighborhood involved on your behalf. You may need to share your story and be open about your infertility, but the upside is that sharing personal details gives people a chance to support you. Talking about your dreams for a child may inspire others, and develop or deepen relationships, too.

Not so long ago, crowdfunding, which is essentially pooling together resources from people you know and people they know, and sometimes people you DON’T know – wasn’t easy to do. Today, it’s as easy as starting a campaign on or a similar site.

Crowdfunding grows in popularity every year. Sites like YouCaring and GoFundMe allow anyone to create a page and ask people for donations to their cause. It is not uncommon for couples to use those platforms to raise tens of thousands of dollars for IVF. Sign up requires no money, so you can get started free of charge.

One couple raised over $60,000 toward their IVF costs through the YouCaring platform. The key to success with crowdfunding is that you may need some momentum through donations from family and friends before total strangers will donate money to you. If you set up one of these crowdfunding fundraisers, be sure to share it with family and friends via social media often. Once you get traction, you may begin seeing donations from people you’ve never met and that are just sympathetic to your situation.

If you have good credit, you can probably qualify for fertility loans. These special loans cover specific types of treatment, and may or may not come with fees. The upside of using fertility loans is that the companies are usually associated directly with a clinic (called a participating center or something similar).

Because these businesses specialize in working with people wanting to build a family, they are often family-centric and comfortable with the anxieties and nuances surrounding IVF. The loan process is usually quite straightforward.

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