How To Get Proof Of Onward Travel When Travelling One-Way

For those of us who like to travel on a one-way ticket, it is essential you get proof of onward travel, otherwise you won’t be able to board your flight. You don’t necessarily need to buy a return ticket to the destination you are leaving from. To help you out in this situation, here are a few (legal) ways to get proof of onward travel in a cost-effective way.

Buy A Refundable Ticket

Buying a refundable ticket to attain proof of onward travel is a good idea, but you may need to wait many months in order to get a refund. The only way to do this is to book the return ticket before you depart, otherwise, it will not be possible.

Once you have arrived at your destination, you can then go ahead and cancel the return ticket that you have booked. Then, keep an eye on the refund. Some airlines are more strict than others, and sometimes you only receive a refund as credit for future flights.

Rent A Ticket Confirmation

Renting a ticket confirmation from a travel agency is by far the best way to get proof of onward travel. A service that is able to do this is They allow you to book a real return ticket and most importantly, in your name aswell. They then go ahead and cancel the ticket for you at a later date. Their service costs just 19 euros, and it is possible to get the official ticket confirmation in a few hours. This is way cheaper than buying a “real” return ticket.

Book Your Return Ticket With Airline Miles

If you are a regular flyer, and in the process of being a regular flyer you have managed to build up a stock of air miles on your travel credit cards, it may be possible to book a return ticket with these miles then cancel the flight at a later date. If you do this, you will most likely get a refund of your points directly to your card.

Buy A Cheap Ticket to Another Country

If you are looking for another option, a more expensive option may be to buy a cheap ticket to another country. This tends to work well in South East Asia for example, where you can get a flight from Thailand to Malaysia for around $40. This is still more expensive than the “rent a ticket” idea discussed above.

Sometimes, airline check in staff may accept bus travel to another country as proof of onward travel, but sometimes this is frowned upon. Many people believe that the success of this method depends on the mood of your check in staff member. So, be nice to them!

For more information about proof of onward travel, check out

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