Дайджест приколов 2016 года


What I learned about programmers by reading 200+ programming jokes (+ part 2).

Rada Invaders.

cube composer game.

Guide to software developer job advertisements.

So a Foo walks into a Bar...

Сервис генерирования отмазок.

UX job title generator.

O RLY Cover Generator.

Если бы программисты были уборщиками.

Software Development Explained with Cars.

How to Save the Princess in 8 Programming Languages.

Відомі девелопери розповіли про користь курсів.

100-Language Uroboros Quine.

4-bit Calculator made in cardboard and marble.

Slack client for Commodore 64.

Rube Goldberg machine in HTML forms.

Classic Programmer Paintings.

Homework Question: How do I write a program that produces the following output?

Source Code in TV and Films. Images of the computer code appearing in TV and films and what they really are.

Твиты (кстати, читайте DOU в твитере)

Me trying to decouple code of a huge project into separate modules. pic.twitter.com/J1ELRAiwkd

— Ingvar Stepanyan (@RReverser) February 19, 2016

When you finally release the product you’ve been working on for months...#startups pic.twitter.com/ohywZtoegH

— Jonathan Shariat (@DesignUXUI) February 16, 2016

Typical code debugging. pic.twitter.com/z764dhyJ5Z

— Ryan Houdek (@Sonicadvance1) March 5, 2016

Let me just refactor this code and make it better... pic.twitter.com/8reuSS9c5a

— Phil Webb (@phillip_webb) May 3, 2016

Примерно так выглядит современная разработка ПО pic.twitter.com/v8fI2c8wvy

— Табличка „Сарказм” (@glorphindale) November 1, 2016

The Linux user experience. pic.twitter.com/4QiziEQoMe

— the grugq (@thegrugq) February 6, 2016


— Phil Webb (@phillip_webb) July 29, 2016


Things are mostly fine

How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016


git merge

When someone doesn’t follow the coding style guidelines

Watching the last release on Friday at 6pm unfold

When I follow the documented steps to generate my release

When I wait for code completion

Our Development Process

How long it takes to complete the task


Подборка фан-видео от айтишников за 2015 год.

Hitler uses Docker

We’re Gonna Build a Framework

The Floppotron: Smells Like Nerd Spirit (подробности)

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