14 — 15 ноября, Киев — 1st Nim Workshop in Ukraine

This Autumn you have a unique opportunity to take part in the first Nim event held in Kyiv and to meet the creator of Nim language — Andreas Rumpf.

What is Nim?

Nim is a modern programming language that strives to be complete rather than simplistic. This means most modern features that you have come to expect like type classes, generics, iterators, and hygienic macros can be found in Nim.

Learn more about Nim here.

During workshop you will learn:

— The basics of the language including its safe and unsafe subsets;
— Novel ideas on how to improve the state of the art for systems programming;
— How Nim’s meta programming capabilities can be used to help in debugging or testing Nim programs.

Since this activity is a workshop we expect you:
— to be familiar with Nim and be able to write and read Nim programs;
— to have a laptop with installed Nim compiler and Git client.


Andreas Rumpf, Creator of the Nim programming language
Advanced Nim. Leveraging Nim compile-time power.

Yuriy Glukhov, Tech Evangelist at ZEO Alliance
Games in Nim. See how Nim naturally allows rapid prototyping without sacrificing the speed.

Rostislav Dzinko, Software Architect at ZEO Alliance
Getting Nim ready for modern Web development: introducing “nimongo” and exort web framework.


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