3 Countries You Probably Haven’t Considered Volunteering Abroad In…

Volunteering abroad is an excellent idea for spreading your wings, whilst helping others less fortunate than you in the process. There are so many opportunities for volunteering abroad in nowadays. Sure, everyone likes going to places like India to volunteer in. But, have you considered these 3 countries?

1. Volunteer in Cameroon…

Cameroon is a relatively safe African country in which to volunteer in. It is arguably one of the most diverse nations on the continent, with some people often calling it “Africa in Minature”. The country has rainforests and beaches, as well as large open deserts and savannah that takes the breath away.

There are many great volunteering opportunities to really live and work like a local in Cameroon. You will quickly realize while volunteering in Cameroon that one person’s help can truly make a difference in delivering change and development.

2. Volunteer in Nicaragua…

If you are looking for a country in Central America, Nicaragua is a place that ticks all the boxes. By volunteering here, you will get a unique insight into the culture of Central American’s largest, democratic republic nation. Despite it’s past, Nicaragua is considered a safe place in which to volunteer and travel in.

While safety in Nicaragua has certainly improved, it still suffers from chronic levels of unemployment and poverty, and is thought to be one of the poorest countries in the whole of the Americas, so any help you can offer in the country will be greatly appreciated.

3. Volunteer in Cambodia

Cambodia is in the midst of a massive tourist boom, but it is a nation which still suffers from poverty. People from around the world come to marvel at ancient temples such as Angkor Wat, and the party town of Siem Reap and Sihoukville, so there is lots to see and do.

But, away from the tourist areas, the residents often survive on less than $1 a day. This means Cambodia is ranked a rather lowly 129th out of 177 countries in the United Nations Human Development Report. It is possible to volunteer to do community service work, and your help will be most appreciated by the community in which you serve.

Looking to volunteer abroad? Check out

The post 3 Countries You Probably Haven’t Considered Volunteering Abroad In… appeared first on FeedsPortal.com.

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