24 декабря, Киев — Second Meeting Kyiv useR! Group

Speaker — Nikolay Pavlov, Founder at Biomech

Topic — ‘Human Motion Recognition with R’

2,5 — hours workshop about Human Motion Recognition with R just before the Christmas. Workshop includes introduction to basics procedures in R, study design from research question, finding data to statistical modeling, prediction and interpretation of results. You will have opportunity to learn about R in general, about all stages of study design, e.g. data preparation. The last part of presentation will introduce some important aspects of modeling data, making predictions, and choosing the right model for your data.


Please, bring your laptops with installed R and RStudio.

It also will be useful to have some basic programming skills. Some methods of Machine Learning are included into workshop, still if you are not familiar with them do not be afraid to join us. Having some knowledge could be useful, but is not required.

We are looking forward to meet new people, enthusiastic about R and data analysis!

We also are grateful to Cogniance for hosting our meeting.


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